Whether you have seen someone use an OMEALS, walked by our booth at a trade show and saw them steaming, or perhaps saw a tag on Instagram and became interested, you may be wondering "how does an OMEALS work?" It's a common question, and we love to get the chance to answer it for you because it allows us to explain just what makes OMEALS so special and unique to the outdoor meals market. We know that we have a product that can benefit your life, but sometimes before you understand how it all works, you may just think it's like any other adventure meal on the market. That could not be further from the truth, so we are breaking down for you just how an OMEALS works and what sets us apart from the competition.

From the very beginning, OMEALS start out as REAL and DELICIOUS food - homestyle! Inside the package is the heating pad, the food pouch, and your utensils. We have prepared it all for you, so that you can have it all in one convenient bag.
The steps are simple:
1. Remove all content from the bag.
2. Place food puch back into OMEALS bag.
3. Add liquid to the Fill Line.
4. Remove the heating pad from it's packaging and add it back to the OMEALS bag. This is the most unique part about our process and how the meal becomes self-heating. Powered by NXH Heating Technology, our heating technology is comprised of a proprietary blend of safe, non-toxic, and non-flammable components.
5. Quickly close the bag and let it steam for 3-5 minutes. Our steam vent allows enough steam and pressure to release to adequately heat your food safe and effectively.
6. Open OMEALS bag, open food pouch, and ENJOY!
There is simply nothing like it & we know that you will be thrilled to enjoy this never-dehydrated homestyle meal on your next adventure. Which flavor are you looking to try first?