It is with a heavy heart that we watch & hear of the devastation from Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas. As a company who has worked closely with disaster relief, we know just how impactful this storm has been to so many people’s homes, businesses, livelihood, and land. OMEALS are extremely helpful in these tough and dangerous situations – giving a hot meal to those without access to electricity, clean water, and much food. With our ability to quickly bring a meal to those who need it most, we knew that we needed to help immediately.
Our hopes & prayers are with the islands of the Bahamas and all who have been impacted by this natural disaster. In response, OMEALS has donated 100,000 meals to be given to those who are victims of the storm & those volunteering in the aftermath. Additionally, there are countless other companies, corporations, and charities who have, with combined efforts, come together and donated an additional 500,000 meals that they will be in charge of delivering and utilizing. Our meals began arriving on 8/30/19 after being sent to the Bahamas on planes & shipping containers.
We are thankful for the great men and women who work as first responders, relief coordinators, and the many volunteers who make swift assistance a reality. We also want to thank our customers who have supported us & given us a platform to be able to do good & help in any way that we can. Continued strength to the people of the Bahamas.